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Ladies under 292143 global Supplier Data

Ladies product global trade data has found a total of 3 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Ladies product.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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292143 LADIES KNIT SKORT SKIRT LADIE S KNIT T-SHIRT LADIES KNIT DR ESS PO# 2000512057 3000503 184 3000503072 3000501718 P CS CTNS CBM KGS 26748 743 41.63 8173 360 12 0.55 133.8 720 24 1.09 267.6 360 6 0.5 2 62.2 TOTAL: 28188 785 43.79 8636.6 DITTO DITTO DITTO lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 785 60 More Columns Available
292143 LADIES KNIT SKORT SKIRT LADIE S KNIT T-SHIRT LADIES KNIT DR ESS PO# 0200512048 0300501 775 0300500380 PCS CTNS C BM KGS 29136 607 50.84 8194.5 528 18 1.04 196.24 240 6 0.36 6 3.57 TOTAL: 29904 631 52.2 4 8454.31 DITTO DITTO lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 631
292143 LADIES KNIT SKORT SKIRT LADIE S KNIT T-SHIRT LADIES KNIT DR ESS PO# 2000512058 2000505 544 2000505569 3000500307 P CS CTNS CBM KGS 35664 743 58.35 10104.8 8208 192 11.67 1462.88 2592 7 8 3.54 466.88 360 12 0.51 102.67 TOTAL: 468 24 1025 74.07 12137.23 DI lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 1025

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