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Global Suppliers Data of 27101992

27101992 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 99 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 4 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

12 exporter and 9 Importer shipments are available in the application of 27101992 Hs Code.

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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27101992 BECHEM AVANTIN 361 (QTY 6 DRUMS) (PACKED IN 180KG DRUM) (RULING NO. 1140 DT: 21-04-2017 SR#33 @ US$ 1.10/KG) lock lock GERMANY Pakistan 1080 60 More Columns Available
27101992 BECHEM HIGH LUB LFB 2000 (QTY 10 PAIL) (PACKED IN 10 KG PAIL) (RULING NO. NO.1289 DT: 19-04-2018 S NO.01 USD-1.70/KG) lock lock GERMANY Pakistan 100
27101992 BERUTEMP 490 RS (QTY 50 PAIL) (PACKED IN 25KG PAIL) (RULING NO. NO.1289 DT: 19-04-2018 S NO.01 USD-1.70/KG) lock lock GERMANY Pakistan 1250
27101992 BERUTOX FH 28KN (QTY 10 PAILS) (PACKED IN 25KG PAIL) (RULLING NO.1289 DT: 19-04-2018 S NO.01 USD-1.70/KG) lock lock GERMANY Pakistan 250
27101992 BERUTOX MB 2-H (QTY 10 PAIL) (PACKED IN 10KG PAIL) (RULING NO.1289 DT: 19-04-2018 S NO.01 USD-1.70/KG) lock lock GERMANY Pakistan 100

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