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27101942 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 615 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 8 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
10 exporter and 77 Importer shipments are available in the application of 27101942 Hs Code.
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77 Buyers found in 8 Countries
29-Jan-2023 27101942 | FUEL OIL 180 CST 29706 LTRS |
28-Jan-2023 40112020 | MICHELLIN 235/55R18 |
18-Jan-2023 39241000 | GRATER WITH CONTAINER BIG 1*24SETS |
21-Jan-2023 94054000 | LED TABLE LAMP |
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10 Suppliers found in 4 Countries
12-Jan-2023 61091000 | OF COTTON |
10-Jan-2023 62082290 | OTHER,100% POLYESTER |
12-Jan-2023 61091000 | OF COTTON |
10-Jan-2023 62082290 | OTHER,100% POLYESTER |
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564 Import Shipments found from 8 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
27101942 | FUEL OIL | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Rwanda | 33890.78 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
27101942 | FUEL OIL 180 CST 29643 LITER | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | South_Sudan | 15740.4 | |||
27101942 | 367 MT OF MARINE GAS OIL,RE BOND NO S 10910 | INDIA | SriLanka | 367000 | |||
27101942 | 359.723 MT OF MARINE GAS OIL,RE BOND NO S 9028 | SRI LANKA | SriLanka | 359723 | |||
27101942 | 83.655 MTS MARINE GAS OIL | SRI LANKA | SriLanka | 83655 |
51 Export Shipments found from 4 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
2710194290 | 1. HEAVY DISTILLATES, GAS OILS FOR OTHER PURPOSES, WITH A SULFUR CONTENT OF NOT MORE THAN 0.05 WT.% | Kazakhstan | NULL | 3990 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
27101942 | OTHER DIESEL THAT CONTAINS SULPHUR EXCEEDING 10 MG/KG(PPM) BUT NOT EXCEEDING 500,8263606752403 (S 12142 22/12/2022) | SriLanka | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | 2611 | |||
27101942 | OTHER DIESEL THAT CONTAINS SULPHUR EXCEEDING 10 MG/KG(PPM) BUT NOT EXCEEDING 500,8676606892671 (S 12142 22/12/2022) | SriLanka | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | 54852 | |||
27101942 | OTHER DIESEL THAT CONTAINS SULPHUR EXCEEDING 10 MG/KG(PPM) BUT NOT EXCEEDING 500,8679606898728 (S 12142 22/12/2022) | SriLanka | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | 141308 | |||
27101942 | OTHER DIESEL THAT CONTAINS SULPHUR EXCEEDING 10 MG/KG(PPM) BUT NOT EXCEEDING 500,8263606752403 (S 12142 22/12/2022) | SriLanka | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | 2611 |
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