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16024990 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 76 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
1 exporter and 16 Importer shipments are available in the application of 16024990 Hs Code.
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16 Buyers found in 3 Countries
26-Jan-2023 820320900000 | ALICATES |
29-Jan-2023 732690900000 | LLAVERO |
26-Jan-2023 820320900000 | ALICATES |
29-Jan-2023 732690900000 | LLAVERO |
11-Jan-2023 84433290 | DELL KEYBOARD AND MOUSE |
26-Jan-2023 21032000 | TOMATO SACHETS PREPACK |
26-Jan-2023 820320900000 | ALICATES |
29-Jan-2023 732690900000 | LLAVERO |
11-Jan-2023 84433290 | DELL KEYBOARD AND MOUSE |
26-Jan-2023 21032000 | TOMATO SACHETS PREPACK |
11-Jan-2023 84433290 | DELL KEYBOARD AND MOUSE |
26-Jan-2023 21032000 | TOMATO SACHETS PREPACK |
30-Jan-2023 73231000 | NULL |
11-Jan-2023 71171900 | NULL |
11-Jan-2023 84433290 | DELL KEYBOARD AND MOUSE |
26-Jan-2023 21032000 | TOMATO SACHETS PREPACK |
26-Jan-2023 820320900000 | ALICATES |
29-Jan-2023 732690900000 | LLAVERO |
11-Jan-2023 84433290 | DELL KEYBOARD AND MOUSE |
26-Jan-2023 21032000 | TOMATO SACHETS PREPACK |
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