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Global Suppliers Data of 071030

071030 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 60 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 6 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

18 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of 071030 Hs Code.

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071030 38 BXS. IQF CONVENTIONAL SPINA CH CALL OFF: PO 230601 NET W EIGHT: 17822.73 KG RYAN # 907 58347 DAE: 028-2023-40-000009 54 HS CODE: 0710.30 lock lock EC, ECUADOR USA 38 60 More Columns Available
071030 960 BXS. IQF CONVENTIONAL SPIN ACH CALL OFF: 230348 SFI PO # 105801 RYAN #: 90758640 NE T WEIGHT: 17418.13 KG DAE: 02 8-2022-40-01468665 HS CODE: 0 710.30.00.00 lock lock EC, ECUADOR USA 960
071030 38 BXS. IQF CONVENTIONAL SPINA CH CALL OFF: PO 229233 RYAN #: 90758425 NET WEIGHT: 17822 .73 KG DAE: 028-2022-40-01468 629 HS CODE: 0710.30 lock lock EC, ECUADOR USA 38
071030 38 BXS. IQF CONVENTIONAL SPINA CH CALL OFF: PO 229332 RYAN #: 89323746 NET WEIGHT: 17822 .73 KG DAE: 028-2022-40-01468 622 HS CODE: 0710.30 lock lock EC, ECUADOR USA 38
071030 TOTAL BOXES OF IQF SPINACH CALL OFF PO 103422 NET WEIGHT 17,418.13 KGS GROSS WEIGHT 18,652.82 KGS HS CODE 0710.30.00.00 DAE 028-2023-40-00000937 lock lock EC, ECUADOR USA 960

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