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02101930 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 39 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 6 Importer shipments are available in the application of 02101930 Hs Code.
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39 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
02101930 | SAL.TED PORK -PROSC. CRUDO STAG AFF 250G S/V - SP A005020 (16 PACKS; 1 PACK/ABOUT 0.25 KGS) ( NSX: 24/01/2023 ;HSD: 07/23/2023) NH&NSX: INDUSTRIA SALUMI SIMONINI SPA | ITALY | Vietnam | 16 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
02101930 | SLI.CED SMOKED PORK - SMOKED SPECK SLICED - SP A004918 (390 PACKS; 1 PACK/ABOUT 0.08 KGS) ( NSX: 24/01/2023 ;HSD: 7/23/2023) NH&NSX: INDUSTRIA SALUMI SIMONINI SPA | ITALY | Vietnam | 390 | |||
02101930 | SLI.CED SALT PORK - COPPA STAGGIONATA SLICED 80G - SP A005005 (300 PACKS; 1 PACK/ABOUT 0.08 KGS) ( NSX: 24/01/2023 ;HSD: 07/23/2023) NH&NSX: INDUSTRIA SALUMI SIMONINI SPA | ITALY | Vietnam | 300 | |||
02101930 | SAL.TED PORK -COPPA SV (SALTED PORK) - SP SALS.5005 (48 PACKS; 1 PACK/ABOUT 1.62 KGS) ( NSX: 16/01/2023 ;HSD: 10/07/2023) NH&NSX: BISANZIO SALUMI SRL | ITALY | Vietnam | 77.73 | |||
02101930 | SLI.CED SALT PORK -PROSCIUTTO CRUDO SLICED 80G - SP A004911 (510 PACKS; 1 PACK/ABOUT 0.08 KGS) ( NSX: 24/01/2023 ;HSD: 7/23/2023) NH&NSX: INDUSTRIA SALUMI SIMONINI SPA | ITALY | Vietnam | 510 |
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