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How to Start a Profitable Carpet Export Business in India

Leveraging Conveyor Belt


  • As per carpet export data, India's carpet exports totalled US$ 1.15 billion between April and January 2024.
  • The top carpet exporters in India are Bhadohi Carpets, Obeetee Carpets, Jaipur Rugs, Carpet overseas, Rugs and beyond.
  • Types of Carpets Exported from India are pure silk carpets, tufted wool carpets, hand-knotted woollen carpets, staple and synthetic carpets, and Gabbe carpets.
  • The world's leading carpet exporters are China, Turkey, India, Belgium and Netherlands.

Indian carpets are an essential component of the nation's culture and heritage and contribute significantly to its export earnings. All around the country, they are widely used in temples, homes, and workplaces.

In 2022–23, India exported carpets and rugs worth US$ 1.36 billion. Did you know that the nation is the third-largest exporter in the world and exports between 85 and 90 percent of the carpets it produces? Through this blog, we are going towards carport export business in India. In this blog, we will explore data on carpet export from India, carpet HS codes, the leading Indian carpet exporters, and much more.

How Big is the Carpet Industry?

In 2023, the worldwide carpet market was worth USD 72.39 billion, and from 2024 to 2033, it is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.35%.

Contribution of India to the Carpet Market: The country's carpet and rug market, which reached a size of around USD 5.0 billion in 2023, demonstrated strong growth and industrial expansion.

In India, the major players of the carpet industry are Saraswati Global Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur Rugs, The Rug Republic, and Obeetee Pvt. Ltd.

Factors driving the global carpet industry

  • Renovation & rehabilitation activities
  • Rise in the interest of consumers toward interior decoration,
  • Fast urbanisation & globalisation
  • Emerging construction sector
  • Rapid growth of the middle-class population
  • increased investments on interior designs and furnishing

Now, have an overview of carpet manufacturing in India!

All About Carpet Production in India

Did you know? After China, India is the world's second-largest producer of carpet. Additionally, India produces a wide range of carpets, including Indo-Persian, silk, wool, Zeigler, Kilim, and hand-tufted carpets.

Important centres for the carpet manufacturing in India are Agra, Jaipur, Srinagar, Danapur, and Bhadohi. Panipat has also gained notoriety as a centre for carpet manufacturing in recent decades.

The hand-weaving, such as braiding, shearing, hooking, and hand tying of carpets, is a thriving cottage business in India, employing over 2 million people.

It is time to examine Indian carpet export statistics!

Carpet Export From India: 2023-24

Let's explore India’s carpet export data through this table:



Value (USD Billion/Million)

Carpet Export from India

April to January 2024

US$ 1.15 billion


US$ 1.36 billion


US$ 1.79 billion

Export Market Reach

Number of carpet export destinations countries

Over 100

Share of Exports to the US

Over 55%

Export share 

Overall carpet export contribution of India

40% of global exports 

Export Value of Specific Carpet Types (FY23)

Jute Carpets

US$ 87 million

Silk Carpets

US$ 50 million

Types of Carpets Exported

Handmade Carpets (wool, rugs, durries, cotton)

Based on carpet export data, India's carpet exports totalled US$ 1.15 billion between April and January 2024. In 2022-23, the export was valued at US$ 1.36 billion, and in 2021-22, the carpet export from India was accounted for at US$ 1.79 billion.

Over 100 nations get Indian carpet exports, with the US making up around 50% of total sales.

The majority of India's carpet exports are handmade carpets, including cotton, wool, rugs, and durries.

However, India exported jute carpets worth US$87 million and silk carpets worth US$50 million in FY23.

Types of Carpets Exported from India

India provides a large range of handcrafted carpets for the global market, such as:

  • Pure Silk Carpets
  • Tufted Woolen Carpets
  • Hand-knotted woollen Carpets
  • Staple and synthetic Carpets
  • Gabbeh Carpets
  • Hand-Made Woolen Dhurries
  • Chain Stitch Rugs

Thus, the varieties of carpet export from India are done to numerous Asian and European nations. Additionally, get in touch with us to access the most up-to-date and easily navigable carpet export data.

Leading Carpet HS Codes

Below are the top HS codes in the market of carpet export from India:

Carpet HS Code Product Description
57023110 Carpets with tufts and other textile flooring.
5703 Tufted carpets and other textile floor coverings.
5701 Knotted carpets and other floor coverings made of fine animal hair or wool.
57011000 Additional carpets with knots and other textile floor coverings.

These are the most well-known Carpet HS Codes in the worldwide carpet sector.  All of the most recent carpet export data, including comprehensive lists of HS codes for carpets, carpet importers, and carpet exporters, is available on our dashboard.

India’s Carpet Export Destinations

Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates are some of the countries that import the most carpet from India.

Let's explore the table for top destinations for carpet export from India:

Export Destinations of Indian Carpets Export Share
USA 59%
Germany 6%
UK 5%
Australia 4%
Netherlands 3%
Sweden 3%
Italy 2%

According to carpet export data,  up until January 2023–2024, US$ 684 million of India’s total carpet and floor covering imported by the USA.

Germany and the United Kingdom were among the top 3 carpet importers in FY24 (till January), with India exporting handmade and silk carpets valued at US$70 million and US$51 million, respectively.

Top Carpet Exporting Countries

The world's leading carpet exporters are listed below:

S.no. Major Carpet Exporters Export Value
1 China $3.72 billion
2 Turkey $2.89 billion
3 India $2.05 billion
4 Belgium $1.34 billion
5 Netherlands $1.2 billion

Apart from all of these top carpet-exporting nations, other top carpet exporters are Italy, Nepal, Iran, Ireland, and Italy. However, check out our carpet export data on Eximpedia.app to obtain a comprehensive list of all the leading carpet exporters globally or from India.

Top Carpet Exporters in India

The top Indian carpet exporters are listed below:

  • Bhadohi Carpets
  • Obeetee Carpets
  • Jaipur Rugs
  • Carpet overseas
  • Rugs and beyond
  • Insigne Carpets
  • Kaleen India
  • The Rug Republic
  • Genie Carpet Manufacturer
  • The weaver

Thus, they are the leading carpet suppliers in India who strive to meet the global demand for carpets. Visit our educational dashboard at Eximpedia.app to learn more about all of these and numerous other well-known carpet exporters.

Promising Future of Carpet Export from India

Based on carpet export data, India's carpet exports have grown at a CAGR of 7% from 2017–18. The nation's carpet exports in June 2024 totalled US$121.44 million, which was more than the US$109.76 million it exported in June 2023.

Thus, it seems likely that sector of carpet export from India will expand in the future due to a variety of variables that are such as:

  • A compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.1% is anticipated for the global carpet market. Rising disposable incomes and urbanisation are expected to drive up demand for carpets in India.
  • Automated looms and digital printing are examples of innovations that can increase manufacturing capacity and product diversity.
  • Customers are searching more and more for personalised and sustainable goods.
  • Through marketing events, subsidised loans, and skill development programmes, the government has taken action to encourage the export of handicrafts including carpets.
  • Indian weavers are renowned for their flexibility in responding to shifting client preferences and market conditions.

How can Eximpedia Assist you in Finding Overseas Buyers?

Eximpedia.app is the platform where you can leverage our carpet export data to locate legitimate buyers and suppliers of carpet worldwide in no time.

We offer a comprehensive list of carpet importers, carpet HS codes, and cargo values. Furthermore, you can acquire market trends, insights, and other pertinent data that will ultimately support the smooth operation of your carpet export from India enterprise.

The Last Remarks

With careful planning, carpet export from India can be a lucrative venture. However, use our carpet export data to find real buyers, suppliers, and astute industry insights if Indian carpet exporters require help finding the greatest carpet items in the best-fit market.

Eximpedia provides real-time data gathered from authorised sources by our team of experts. Please get in touch with us at any time and bring your business to new heights. To schedule a free live demo, connect with us by clicking here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Which country imports carpets from India?

Over 100 nations get Indian carpet exports, with the US making up around 50% of total Indian carpet exports. Other top markets for Indian carpet exports are Germany, the UK, Australia, the Netherlands, and Sweden. 

  1. Who is the largest exporter of carpets?

China exported carpets worth $3.72 billion in 2023-24, making it the largest exporter of carpet all over the world.

  1. Which Indian city is famous for carpet?

The Indian city is famous for carpet manufacturing in India are Agra, Jaipur, Srinagar, Danapur, and Bhadohi. Panipat has also gained notoriety as a centre for carpet manufacturing in recent decades

  1. Which country is famous for carpets?

Iran is regarded as the world leader in carpet manufacture and is credited with creating the Persian rug. Persian rugs are renowned for their exquisite designs, organic hues, and superior craftsmanship. Iran is home to the oldest hand-knotted oriental carpet, which dates back around 2,500 years.

  1. Who are the biggest importers of carpet in the world?

With a 17% market share, the US is the biggest carpet importer in the world. Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Germany are other significant importers of carpet. 

  1. Which country is the largest manufacturer of carpets?

After China, India is the world's second-largest producer of carpet. Additionally, India produces a wide range of carpets, including Indo-Persian, silk, wool, Zeigler, Kilim, and hand-tufted carpets.

  1. How big is the carpet industry in India?

India’s carpet and rug market, which reached a size of around USD 5.0 billion in 2023, demonstrated strong growth and industrial expansion. 

Carpet Export from India

Carpet export from India to the USA     Carpet export from India to Germany

Carpet export from India to UK

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